Ciencias Fisiologicas

Breakfast-meeting with Sir Salvador Moncada

A breakfast meeting with postgraduate students (MSc, PhD, medical specialities) from different Universities (PUC, U Talca, U Javeriana) was run on Monday 18th Nov with the support from the Society and sponsored by LabMed (Chile). Students were from Chile, Honduras and Colombia.   This is an activity organized by the Cellular and Molecular Physiology Laboratory (CMPL) … Read more

Message from the presidency

Santiago, October 20, 2019 Friends and Members Sociedad Chilena de Ciencias Fisiológicas Dear friends and members of the SCHCF, It is painful and regrettable that we are living the social situation in Chile that affects us. I am sure that our deepest desire and conviction is fraternity and communication in terms of respect and consideration … Read more

Charlas magistrales UFT

La charla magistral abordará dos grandes temáticas: “El tejido muscular en la comunicación inter-órganos y sus efectos en el control metabólico en salud y enfermedad” y “Mechanismos de proteostasis muscular en ejercicio y envejecimiento” a cargo de connotados científicos internacionales en el área de la fisiología muscular y del ejercicio.

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